Deadwood: Sold Under Sin (2004)
Season 1, Episode 12
"You oughta pin that on your chest. You're hypocrite enough to wear it."
29 March 2023
General Crook (Peter Coyote) and his troops, otherwise known as "Custers' Avengers", arrive in Deadwood, along with the greedy Yankton magistrate, Clagett. Doc Cochrane gifts Jewel with a new brace & boot, insisting that she tell him AT ONCE if she experiences any discomfort. Seth learns that his instincts about Otis Russell are correct (the man IS a self-serving sleaze), and so he promptly loses his temper and unleashes some Hell on the man. And the sexual tension we all sensed between Seth and Alma reaches its natural conclusion when they have a late-night meeting.

This episode is a perfect capper on the excellent first season, as by this point we've been introduced to, and generated sufficient interest in, a colorful rogues' gallery of characters. Here, a lot of the tension (sexual and otherwise) is paid off with some very effective dramatic (and violent) scenes. Given his frustrations over recent events, it comes as no surprise when Seth volunteers to take over the Sheriff position, which many people feel Con Stapleton has botched. This was another development that is richly satisfying, no matter how predictable it might seem. Of course, Seth IS deeply troubled with some of his own actions of late, and we're now eager to see the continuation of his story.

Top-billed Timothy Olyphant does some of his finest acting to date here, although there are powerful moments with cast member Brad Dourif, as the good Doc implores The Almighty to give the reverend a break and end his suffering. It was also great to see Coyote here (reunited with "Southern Comfort" co-star Powers Boothe), and he's rock-solid as the principled military general.

In conclusion, I have to mention how sweet those moments with Doc and Jewel are, as she enjoys her improved mobility and the two of them have a dance.

'Sold Under Sin' has me fully invested in continuing to work my way through this series.

10 out of 10.
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