The Night Agent (2023– )
Take it or leave it.
28 March 2023
I gave this series 5 stars out of 10. As I state in my title, take it or leave it. It's "OK" TV, not great, but not terrible. There are scenes that are terrific, and others that have me screaming at the TV.

If I could have given 51/2 stars I would have. I didn't feel like I was ripped off and scamed by a crappy series, it was pretty good, but it suffers from what I call "Lazy writing" at times. Lazy writing is what I really despise in a movie or series. What do I mean by lazy writing? Well, the script writer puts our heroes in a really tight and dangerous situation or has them needing to escape a dangerous situation and they are able to do it without much effort. Everything that the heroes needs to fall in place that will allow them to come out on top happens. You need to escape from the White House when every single Secret Service agent is looking for you, no problem, just hide behind this wall as an agent walks right past you and then you go where he was. Be able to swipe a key card from a collegue in order to go in and out of rooms because your key card has been disabled. It's amazing how there could be a rogue in the W. H. and yet they are able to easily escape. That is lazy writing. Putting our heroes in the most diifficult situations and making the escape easy.

The best thing about this series was the female lead Luciane Buchanan. She is a terrific actor, had great lines, and is a fresh face I expect we will see a lot of in the future.

We have an FBI agent whose job is to sit in a room in the W. H. and man a phone that might ring. If it rings it means an agent is in trouble. One night it rings and our hero has a young woman on the line that says her aunt & uncle told her to call this number because there are men in the house trhat are trying to kill them and her. That's how it starts. From here on out we get the "Reluctant Buddy" story. Two people forced to work together who start off opposing each other. (Yawn) We have assasination plots, treason, murder, spies, secret agents, the whole 9 yards.

If you watch this it won't be a complete waste of time. But it won't be on any top 10 lists as a great series. If you aren't a perfectionist, it's a watchable series. Just don't expect a 10 star series.
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