Review of Toscana

Toscana (II) (2022)
Don't even waste time reading this review, the film doesn't deserve it
28 March 2023
Do you ever get to the end of a film and thing to yourself, " why on earth did we keep watching?". Toscana was one such film. It is unbelievably dull and unforgivably inaccurate and unfathomably scripted. I read it was filmed in 19 days, god knows what took them so long. The script must have been written in 19 minutes, and most of that time must have been spent spell checking it, because it certainly wasn't checked for credibility. I reserve 1 star reviews for films that I feel should not have been made, that are belligerent and insult the intelligence of the audience, if this was the aim of Toscarna then it was a resounding success.
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