The Mandalorian: Chapter 20: The Foundling (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
The haters can call it filler but they are VERY wrong!!
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have been reviewing by season but I read some of the reviews for this episode and had to write something in response.

This begins with Mandolorians training on the beach. Din pits Grogu against a young Vizla boy. First off, the boy shows a lot of integrity despite his arrogant attitude, by choosing a form of combat that makes Grogu's small size an advantage instead of a weakness. So while he has the typical Vizla attitude he shows that he is at least honorable. Din imparts a little wisdom on the boy too, with a short speech basically telling the boy not to judge what he doesn't understand. Also Paz, the boy's father repeats part of Mandos speech later.

Bo-Katan and Grogu have a really sweet moment when the youngling seems nervous about the combat. I love that she has taken to calling Din Grogu's dad, and the comparison she makes between Din and her father shows that she has some affection towards him. (I'm not necessarily saying anything romantic yet but it could happen) Grogu wins after Din encourages him to use the force to fight. The dejected Vizla boy skulks and is snatched up by a dragon. The Mandalorians follow but run out of jetpack fuel before Bo-Katan comes screaming past in the "Gauntlet".

She returns to the conclave to announce that she knows where the nest is and she gathers a party that includes Paz and Din, giving her authority in "Watch" community for the first time since she was a teen.

Grogu stays with the Armourer, which worried me as I do not trust her at all, but my worries came to nothing as she forged him a mudhorn insignia to wear on his chain mail and imparting some of her wisdom.

As she speaks of personal growth and forges Grogu follows in his "fathers" footsteps and has a flashback of the Clone Wars Era. Just like Din did back in S1E3.

Grogu remembers Order 66 and a jedi guard dying to protect him from the Clones assaulting the temple. He is put in an elevator to be sent to Master Kelleran, who I knew nothing about before this episode.

I made a joke to a buddy who complained that it wasn't a known character who came to the rescue, that it could have been Jar-Jar. I found out the next day that Master Kelleran is known from a Star Wars themed, kids, game show, and is none other than Ahmed Best, the actor who played one of the most infamous characters in Star Wars history, Jar-Jar Binks. I knew I recognized him... Anyway Master Kelleran fights his way off of Coruscant and escapes with Grogu in a Naboo ship like the one Anikin and Padme used in Attack of the Clones. I'm hoping to see more of this story in future episodes, and I love that Ahmed gets to play someone useful instead of the idiot who handed the galaxy to a madman. Yes I know the Darth Jar-Jar theory and I love it but it's not cannon so drop it.

One other thing to add is how cool it was that the escape scene included the mountain peak from the episode before.

After the bombad Jedi makes the escape with little Grogu the flashback ends and the Armourer gives the current Grogu a way-to-large pendent to attach to his chain mail.

Bo-Katan and party land at the base of the dragons lair. Fearing the dragon will hear the jet packs they climb with grappling hooks until nightfall. They sit around a campfire and are given food. Bo-Katan asks Din about eating while a member of "the Children of the Watch". Din tells her that they eat alone. Paz then tells her that as the leader she can eat by the fire. Showing her respect for the first time, even if it was just him reciting the code.

The group grapples up to the nest the next morning. I do have a few problems with this scene as the "raptor", I'm still calling it a dragon, would here them coming if they used their jetpacks but didn't notice them at all in the half a day they spent climbing, sleeping, and starting a fire below it's nest. Based on their climb I'd say that an AT-AT climbing the mountain would have surprised this dragon.

Once in the nest Din spots heat and Paz rushes in to save his son. Three baby dragons pop out of the nest and attack Paz as their mother comes out of the sky. She vomits the Vizla boy out of a storage stomach to feed the young dragons. How he had been breathing the last few hours I don't know. Perhaps his helmet is really good at compressing air, perhaps her storage is ment to keep prey alive. Either are viable, I just don't know why she decided that was a good time to barf the kid up, but that's what she did. Paz rushes at the opening jaw to try to grab him, only to be snatched by the dragon. As she catches Paz in her mouth she grabs the kid with her foot and takes off, with the Mandalorians in hot pursuit.

Bo-Katan is the first to the dragon but is knocked out of the sky by a wing, loosing a piece of shoulder armor in the process before regaining control and rejoining the chase.

Epic scene, I won't go through point by point but Paz, Bo-Katan, and Din all prove why they are Mandolorians. Din causes the dragon to crash into the water and saves the young Vizla as a dino-turtle from the first episode of the season raises up to eat the dragon. Paz Vizla shows obvious gratitude for his sons salvation.

They arrive at the conclave where the Armourer praises Bo-Katan for her leadership. Then Bo-Katan presents 3 new foundlings, the dragon babies.

The Armourer brings Bo Bo-Katan to her forge to replace the missing shoulder armor and ask if she wants a night owl. Bo-Katan asks for a mythosaur instead then reveals that she saw one while rescuing Din on Mandolore. The Armourer does seem to believe it's real but the episode ends while the pair each saying, "This is the way!"

This has been Bo-Katans big season and she has earned it! While I don't completely trust her I like her! The Armourer I won't trust until she's dead. Paz shows some good character in this episode and I have hopes for him. I'm hoping that either Din or Bo-Katan take over the Watch and mellow it a bit but we will see. Overall it had its flaws but it was a great episode and so important to real SW fans!
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