Seinfeld: The Mom and Pop Store (1994)
Season 6, Episode 8
George is a reflection of people in general
26 March 2023
They don't think. They do dumb.

But anyways...

This review right here was written or typed on March 26th in year 2023rd in the century of the 21st.

What was this episode about: George buys a car because it was "owned" by Jon Voight.

Kramer tries to save a Mommy and Father store from going out of business.

Elaine listens to music.

Malcolm in the Middles father debuts on Seinfeld.

The Story and The Production Overview: A nice episode where good deeds are actually evil. George and the car was the funniest bit. I didn't care for much about Elaine story it was rusty. Iunno why they have sketchy extras? It's horrible to look at. Is New York really filled with sketchies?

Overall, A good episode.

Highlight: Jerry mocking George in the car. "I don't want to be a cowboy"

Villain: Mom and Pop sort of for being rude to Kramer though he was only trying to help. The electrician for sounding like a jerk for no reason.

What can be learned?: Don't be a fool like George

Verdict: A good episode.
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