Am I Next (2023)
Worth your time!
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for a movie with a good theme, and a powerful plot depicting a strong message, then this movie is for you! It's quite contrary to what we have been seeing to date. I'm glad someone (director/story writer) stepped up to show a different angle on this topic. What we see in and around is what Honey's mother fears initially but what we lack is strong support like Honey's father in the film, who stood like a rock with his daughter!

What I liked the most is the girl playing that role - Anushka Sen (as it's difficult to even be in her shoes for a while), the school authorities supporting her instead of boycotting (reality; in the name of reputation), supporting friends (not teasing) and the landmark judgment (Right to Abortion; my body, my choice!)

I hope men in uniform (cops) watching this movie may understand that such cases should be handed sensitively instead of making the victim's family feel embarrassed. As you all know, if the culprit hails from a powerful family, the victim's family is asked filthy questions and forced to take the case back by making an out-of-court settlement. The same is also shown in the movie but I'm glad the victim's family chooses to take a stand and fight for justice!

"Chota sa balatkaar ka case hai" dialogue would make you furious and surprised at the same moment, wondering if is it really that petty matter?! You would love Anushka when she says that she would not hide her identity nor cover her face as she hasn't done anything wrong; instead, the culprit should feel ashamed (contrary to what happens in reality).

Overall, it's worth watching! Also, loved the background songs in the movie :)
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