Be Seeing You, Mr Wick.
26 March 2023
  • John Wick 4 gives it all with its never-before-seen action stunts that will take your breathe... literally. There are some stunts that are fresh from the oven, it's the first time it's been done in the history of filmmaking. The pacing is frenetic and the action sequences are jaw-droppingly awesome, you'll never get enough of them.

  • A special shoutout to the cinematography team. Every time Mr Wick is punching, kicking, smashing and every other verb you can think of, the cameras have their ways of putting us on a ride; like a curious kid standing close only feet apart watching everything happening before his eyes. It is breathtaking, it is vibrant and it really feels like we're there with John Wick.

  • Some may ask if the franchise is getting ridiculous since it has now come to the 4th entry. Well, it may have come a long way as the start of the franchise was a revenge made because of a dog and a car but we will deny anyone saying it's starting to become like the F&F saga. John Wick 4 still very much relevant and it stays true to what the franchise is about, but only this time it is bigger, bolder and more brutal.

  • Chapter 4 does not only offer violent fighting pieces, but somewhere in-between, you will find a meaningful and fascinating story of humanity. The thematic elements of friends, family and honor are the central aspects, proving that even with its bloodbath, pornfest of violence, the movie still cares about pouring its heart and love from these human values that we cherish.

  • Focusing only on a few characters, their motives and agendas are what made the story moves forward. Each character has something they want or need to do to survive and the stakes are high because everyone here is formidable.

However, because there isn't many long-running characters left, it may be a drag for some audience. John Wick 4 isn't the same like the other 3, it is heavier, bloodier, and its neo-noir looks are refined and richer, it'll make you feel you're watching Blade Runner 2049 instead. Some will appreciate its tonal shift but others won't accept the new look, feel and heavy-themed stories.

  • We cannot overlook at the fact that some action scenes are heavily choreographed to the extent that it may take away some of the good experiences as you may be aware of the idea that it looks staged. Yes, all John Wick films have great stunt choreography and there are times where it felt like they overdid some scenes, putting them in a way that felt like it's not realistic. However, this entry has the most unnaturally stage-like scenes especially the first major battle scene that takes place in a building.

  • A lot might disagree with our opinion here but man, do we feel that the action here isn't enough. 2 hours 49 mins but there are only 3 major fighting scenes. We love all of them but honestly, we're expecting so much more. We went in thinking that the fighting part will take about 70% of the movie, with a lot of early reviews saying that it is a non-stop action film. But we're let down by the amount of action scenes. So folks, don't go in with a high expectation that there's gonna be a lot of fights. There are plenty but it's just isn't enough for us. We want more.

Verdict: Defining the action genre, John Wick Chapter 4 offers an orgy of violence, nail-biting kinetic action sequences that will set the bar for the rest of the one man army movies in decades to come. It may not be THE best John Wick film but WOW, this is first class entertainment at its finest.
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