Ted Lasso: (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
There is no way those 10 star reviews are real
25 March 2023
My wife and I have watched season 1 and 2 maybe 3 times.

We watched the first episode of season 3 and then went back and watched the first two seasons again. The show is fantastic.

Season 3 episode one was kind of tame and lame. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't good by any stretch.

We watched episode 2 of season 3 this morning and it was terrible.

Whoever wrote it gave the vibe of "Ted Lasso? That's a pretty typical whacky sitcom right? Sure, I can write that."

Jokes that repeated and never died, intentional dumb confusion about situations and words, a lot of toilet humor and juvenile jokes.

New storylines that seem cringe, predictable and not needed.

Just awful.

I feel like this going to be like Game of Thrones season 8 based on the first two episodes of this season.
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