I had to watch it and I wish I didn't
23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin...I'm a fan of the franchise. Not an expert by any means but simply a fan. I read a reviewer state that he's watched everything and HAD to watch this out of principle even though he had read all the bad reviews. I fall into the same category. We didn't need this series. I wish they never made it. The concept of adding movies/series in between existing movies from the past is fairly new and a staple it seems with the Star Wars franchise. I'll admit some hit it out of the park like Rogue One and the Mandalourin to some extent. The latter extends the story where the former adds a storyline to the original As I stated I'm not an expert meaning I haven't read the comics or books so I'm not sure what is taken from that and what is created fresh. Regardless, Obi-Wan was terrible and I think diminished the original trilogy. Forget the the time gap inconsistencies and that he should be much older here, it's the inclusion of Darth Vader that ruins it for me. That initial encounter in TNH was epic and should not be tarnished. I feel it was in the story here.

This all feels like a cash grab and not an inside look at a moment in time the original trilogy did not address. The only redeemable part of this was the recreated "extra" scenes of him and Anakin sparring. That dialog was needed in 2 and 3. I also didn't hate the Leia character like most did of young and even older Anakin

I immediately went to watch the New Hope to wash the stink off of me from watching this. But as I said earlier, I had to watch it. Lucas is responsible for that.
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