way way more better than League of Legends
23 March 2023
Yes i said it. This is exactly what a great adaptation looks like. Season 1 didnt grow on me that much season 2 especially towards the end of the season it became one of the best adaptations.

It was a great idea to finish some episodes with a boss fight and gaining.items after defeating the boss. Literally i dont know if i watch an action or just playing myself.

This show shows once more that people who has passion can make greater jobs than the people who are just popular get super hero roles.

I was not so much of a fan but now i became one.

The series pretty faithful to the origin and the story telling is excellent and goes to fantastic directions one after another.

Action is incomparable. Cgi 2d everything is great. Unlike some cringy super hero movie jokes, this one actually makes me laugh. Most of them are either unpredictable jokes or done with a great style, so i laughed most of them.

Keep up the great writing, directing and voice over. I wanna see the upcoming episodes. 10/10.
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