The Real Story
22 March 2023
I have to admit I came to be an F1 fan after this happened. Gilles son Jacques was my first F1 passion so by default I have always been interested in the story behind Jacques.

This documentary is captivating, heartfelt & gives both sides of the sad story of both men's sadly too short lives.

There are interviews with Gilles' widow & his children, members of the Ferrari team at the time including a fabulous British lady who was the only woman & only British person in the Ferrari team. Also interviews with Didier's wife, his girlfriend and his twin sons who were born after his death. There are snippets from drivers from the period including Alain Prost.

It really is a fascinating insight into the relationship of these two great drivers.

It's an emotional rollercoaster though and brings home to you how dangerous the sport I love was and still is.
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