Rock 'n' Rhetoric
22 March 2023
Are you at a college where Rhetoric is a major? Looking for something different to analyze? I recommend this.

It's an oration that Rock would rather not *have* to deliver. But he pretty much had to do something, and as was the case with the original stupid slap, he was obliged to do it in the bright shining public eye. There is an alignment in timing, and the live nature of it.

The alignment of this special was like celebrating the anniversary of a divorce. No matter how much fun ensues, there is a bitter failure at the core. That heckler at the beginning definitely made my stomach sink for a second, I'm betting the security budge was 5X the typical.

So Rock circles around the counter-Slap, lofting punchlines at today's dumb-founding easy dummy, call it woke-ness or privilege or hypersensitivity. And the Royals get roasted (talk about an old school topic, good since the Tea Party days, and I'm not talking about Sarah Palin.

Through-out the repetition of "Don't want to upset any rappers" teases along the audience towards the inexorable conclusion, and brings the audience further to Chris' side with a wink.

There is some classic, "I've come not to praise Caesar, but bury him" - switching those verbs around. And to a point, Rock keeps Will Smith's wife's name out of his mouth.

But the syllogism Rock builds up is about family, not just how Chris was raised right as he says at the end, but he builds up the ethos of his Mom with a poignant tale of racism and dentistry. Along with that, Rock's other disclosure is his proud parenting coming while denying his daughter privilege. A secret apparently kept from that daughter and his ex-wife until they watched the special. Ouch?

Anyways the syllogism my family is better than your family, so I am better than you, that to me was the slap-back. More so than the Rock line about fighting in front of white people, more so than "everybody says s/he's a beeach."

Your house is in disorder, and mine (even with a divorced wife, who I respect but don't kowtow too) is in order.

A lot of other work went into spinning the Rock family standard over Smith/etc. Even the praise of older women on Rock's dating apps was sort of connected I believe.

Anyways, I do think Rhetoric students, a splendid five-page paper could be derived from this, if not an actual senior thesis.

If you have to choose between Chris Rock in his full-white outfit here versus Demosthenes in his dusty old toga, both fighting for their public lives, Rock definitely has better material.
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