Review of Revulsion

Star Trek: Voyager: Revulsion (1997)
Season 4, Episode 5
Entertaining with standout performances
20 March 2023
Torres and The Doctor meet a psychopathic hologram.

This is a decent episode with reasonably good humour and some strong performances.

The A-B plot takes the classic Trek theme of an outsider's perspective on humanity and applies it to three quite different situations.

I think the opening segment with Tuvok's ceremony sets the scene well. For a story that discusses some negative human characteristics, you feel for any outsider lumbered with the likes of Tom Paris and Harry Kim for companionship.

Although somewhat predictable at times I like the main story of Dejaren, mainly due to the creepy atmosphere and Leland Orser's unhinged performance. It is also a good episode for the character of The Doctor, who has some enjoyable scenes that Robert Picardo elevates with his usual charisma and levels of performance.

The scenes involving Harry Kim and Seven of Nine have some good awkwardly funny dialogue and another strong deadpan performance by Jeri Ryan. Some moments though feel slightly forced like Paris' heart to heart with Kim and his romance with Torres.
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