Not all fireworks much to it's credit
17 March 2023
Having only caught up with this film , Knock at the Cabin I read through a few miserable torrid reviews before committing to waste an hour & half of my time but I'm very pleased I did bother.

As with such a high profile director his films can be very polarising with some truly great epics with twists that no one knew where about to hit you full in the face and quite a few dud's that just seem to try to hard, but for the paying public it's somewhat of a gamble as to which you'll be getting.

In my view this film is well worth the effort to watch It's not a 100 miles an hour rollercoaster that throws you from one high to another low No this film is more about the storytelling, which I found quite captivating and some glorious editing and cinematography well worth the effort put in by the director and editors with their use of 90's technology to get an "old school" feel

If you're reading reviews to see what this film is take a balanced view it's not going to change the landscape of modern film but nor isotope as bad as some would have you believe.
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