The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
People are already calling it overrated. That's how you know it's good
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Last Of Us as a property is always going to be seen as masterful, but damn if it isn't divisive. I think that's a testament to how great the storytelling and characters are. They followed the game pretty closely with this episode and that was the perfect move. From apocalyptic, terrifying themes to subtle but honest character work, The Last Of Us is not meant to be easy to watch. It's bleak. Because it's the closest thing to how it would really be.

I think the show was overall pretty great. My main complaints are with some of Bella Ramsays acting choices. Sometimes she is so great and others... it's hard to describe but it's not my favorite. . I feel like her "worried and in a bad situation" acting is better than her "everything is cool right now" acting. Make sense? Maybe not.

Also I thought it was great how they showed the DLC storyline because it's crucial to Ellie's character, but I didn't think it needed a full episode. Maybe half that, half present day Ellie surviving and trying to take care of a wounded Joel would have been better. I guess I just wanted to see more of how Ellie survived for however long it took Joel to heal and see her hone her skills. (Because if you have played the games, you know how badass she will be later)

Again, some of her acting was REALLY good. I.
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