Seinfeld: The Parking Garage (1991)
Season 3, Episode 6
Urinary freedom
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1. The friends can't find car in the parking garage 2. Jerry gets arrested 3. Elaine asks for rides

This episode was hilarious. It was very reminiscent of the Chinese restaurant episode where the cast is stuck in one place and unfolds a situational comedy that the cast is able to pull off so well. Absurdist comedy always hits me pretty good. Elaine's goldfish is dying, the nice woman who gives them a ride is a Scientologist, Jerry and George both conveniently get arrested for public urination, Kramer forgets where he put his prized AC. All of this is connected seamlessly, producing one of the best episodes in this season so far. At this point, the chemistry of the entire cast works really well and I've come to love and accept all of them. Is this what it is like falling in love with a sitcom?
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