The Outing (2022)
The Perfect Short
13 March 2023
The north east coastline is wistfully depicted in this brilliant short from Director Joanne Mitchell with beautiful cinematography from Edward Ames. From the onset we are lulled into thinking that the film with be gentle. We embark on a nostalgic coach trip, a blossoming friendship and middle aged jealousy peppered with talk of lemon sponge but, as with all of Mitchell's work, there's a twist. The fact that The Outing, in such a short space of time, manages to take us from atmospheric idyll to questioning a mothers loyalty and the societal response to one of the UK's most shocking crimes, is testament to the brilliant writing of Lindsay Williams. Con O'Neil (Frank), Julie Hesmondhalgh (Nellie) and Elizabeth Rider (Veronica) are, of course, superb but it's Mitchell's overall eye that proves she's one to watch.
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