Decent season opener
13 March 2023
We've been watching Fantasy Island straight through, one episode each Sunday morning. The last half of season five was pretty bad, so I didn't know what to expect for the first episode of season six.

I'm glad to say that with an entire hiatus to come up with some new ideas, at least this first episode was decent to watch.

On the one side, we have a career secretary with overlooked skills and corporate knowledge. Her fantasy is to show that she can perform well as an executive, and even in her fantasy she has to do so in the face of misogyny and sexual harassment.

The other story, starring Stuart Whitman (looking VERY much the worse for wear) and Barbara Rush, involves a family curse which might make him murder his wife (Rush) at midnight on this 50th birthday. His fantasy is to break the curse.

Both stories were interesting and for the first time in weeks I didn't complain that the endings were poorly thought out.
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