Really Quite Good
12 March 2023
I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, as it was a case I'd never heard of, so I went into it completely open-minded.

If you don't know the case, it gets to the point very quickly, and immediately and raises the intrigue level with the details it goes into. It's a baffling case, even after you've finished. The pacing was also quite nice and it divided up the subjects quite nicely. Episode 1 very much covers the discovery, the reaction, the bafflement and what became almost the backlash against the prevailing theories, and the media sensationalism. Episode 2 goes very much more into the investigation and how it unwound, and also the level of understanding that is gradually provided behind the event - to the extent that it can be understood. If there is any criticism to be made, Episode 3 felt like it stretched things out a little, covering the wider societal reaction to the crime and its longer-term effects.

It's generally handled quite sensitively. Though it's obviously shocking, the mental health aspect that gradually unfurls is treated quite delicately, and isn't judged. Lalit's background is gone over, and he somehow does come across as quite a sympathetic character.

A recommended watch.
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