Review of Aeropuerto

Aeropuerto (1953)
A professional work by director Luis Lucia about some people who intersect in the bustling Madrid airport
11 March 2023
The Madrid-Barajas Airport, Madrid, is a constant transfer of personal stories and situations that the film takes advantage of . Fernando (Fernando Rey) is a hard-working pilot who brings a little girl to deliver her to some relatives. Ceferino (Juan Vázquez) and his wife (Julia Caba Alba) have won the trip to Paraguay in a contest, but they want to know the plane that will take them. Alongside Mr. Beltrán (Manolo Morán) , for his part, is very nervous because he is returning to Spain after many years of exile with the stress that this entails .

The agreeable stories of various travelers, airlines and customs staff who coincide at the airport . This is an entertaining and attractive Spanish comedy with several fun and hilarious set pieces , social description of the fifties as well as ordinary habits . An ensemble film, with all the good and bad that this implies , Fernando Fernán Gómez stands out in the midst of a very complete cast at the time, as he plays an asisstant of a powerful businessman who flirts with Margarita Andrey and both of whom posing as two wealthy people when they're really simple secretaries. The best story results to be starred by the great José Isbert and Fernando Sancho as a cabman and a foreign businessman respectively . We will see these stories already repeated a thousand times in other films : coincidences, crossroads, stereotypes of characters in airports , such as : the meddling , demanding wife magnificent and sympatically played by Julia Caba Alba or the efficient secretary , the executive in a hurry , the sad pilot excellently performed by Fernando Rey , etc. And naturally , a love story with a happy ending. But "Airport" ends up being a comedy without laughter, a drama without tears , a film half off the ground , as it will only make the viewer smile . And a fundamental entertainment of the film is to observe who's the next familiar 50s , 60s secondary actor appearing throughout the film , as follows : María Asquerino, Manolo Morán, Julia Caba Alba , Antonio Riquelme, José Franco, Félix Fernández, Adriano Domínguez , Manuel Arbó , Xan das Bolas, Arturo Marín, Francisco Bernal, Manuel Dicenta , Valeriano Andrés, Eduardo Fajardo, Antonio Ozores , José Sepúlveda, Goyo Lebrero, José Manuel Martín, Juanita Reina , the latter singing folkoric songs , as usual .

The film was professionally directed by Luis Lucia , but it could have given more of itself as an instrument of criticism of the society of the 50s in Spain ; however , this mediocre film falls short . The motion picture was distributed by Compañía Industrial Film Español S. A. (CIFESA) , one of the most powerful producers of the Francoist period , while Luis Lucia provides his craftness and slickness to the direction. Luis was an advocate at law for company CIFESA that produced super-productions and often financed these false but breathtaking historical spectacles . His film debut was ¨13-13¨ and subsequently ¨Hombre De Negocios¨, two average ¨comedies . Later on , he directed two dated historical dramas : ¨Princesa De Ursinos¨ and ¨Jeromin¨ . And he made various Folkloric films for Juanita Reina : ¨Lóla La Piconera¨ , ¨Gloria Mairena¨ , Carmen Sevilla : ¨Hermana De San Sulpicio¨ , Lola Flores : ¨Morena Clara¨ , Antonio Molina : ¨Esta Voz Es Una Mina¨ , among others . Lucia discovered children prodigy as Marisol , Rocio Durcal , Ana Belén and Jaime Blanch .
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