Bones: The Putter in the Rough (2015)
Season 10, Episode 14
A Hole in None
11 March 2023
An episode that features the wild world of mini-golf. A top player has been found, thrown off a balcony. Booth and Bones go to a tournament, barging in on the people who are playing. Their boorish behavior doesn't for a minute take into account the feelings of the golfers. Booth, of course, doesn't see it as macho enough and Brennan can't avoid stomping all over the place. It's not that it's mini-golf; the fact is that the people there thought it was important. They even have championships. Then we have Brennan's old man leaving without telling her the details (he did tell her he was going to be gone for a couple days). Isn't it time for her to done with her childish behavior. She doesn't have to forgive him, even though he bends over backward to be of service to her and her little girl. Then she walks into the lab like grizzly bear, tearing people apart with her ugly tongue. Oh, there's also a thing about a broken clock.
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