Lopez vs. Lopez (2022– )
Lopez Vs Lopez Is A Welcomed Change We Needed For Awhile!
10 March 2023
Lopez vs Lopez is a welcome change after many years of dramas dominating primetime lineup and having to live through the Covid pandemic.

Having a show like this is a welcome change we have needed for awhile. I also feel happy there is a live audience! Some shows just work better with an audience to carry the theme.

From what I understand the concept of this show is based somewhat on George Lopez actual life and his relationship with his daughter.

So while I might not like seeing a drunk George Lopez, that is how he was yeas ago. I am not sure if he actually smoked weed though, that might just have been written in the show for creative reasons or to appeal to younger viewers. The same with perhaps heavy influence about social media, smartphones and texting which is seen on many tv shows today. The writers often decide these things and why years later we can tell certain era's of each tv show we see in reruns based on the overuse of certain phrases, or objects used in the episodes...such as the overuse of smartphones today.

While I might not be a fan of the weed smoking on the show I still like the show and feel it still needs time to develop since it is new. While this show is very new, it is somewhat still in it's phase of finding it's niche...but most shows are like that in their early seasons.

I have read some of the previous user reviews for this show and noticed two things...people either keep comparing this show to the classic 2000's George Lopez sitcom that was on abc and say this show is not as good as the 2000's show was....or I am reading that this show is too similar to the 2000's sitcom he had on abc. I am not going to say this is like either though, because it is not.

This is a completely different show from the classic George Lopez Show on abc back in the 2000's. I don't understand why some people expect the same formula every time George Lopez comes out with something, while others are saying it is the exact same concept as the show from the 2000's. I guess you will never be able to please everyone.

Either way, I hope this show continues as it has brought a smile on many peoples faces as well as laughs, something we really did not see much in sitcoms back in the 2010's much, and after the departing gift of the 2010's gave us covid...believe me we can all use some laughs now! Hope Lopez vs Lopez show continues.
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