Finally, a movie that actually scared me!
9 March 2023
I've watched them all; blockbuster, high budget, low budget, indie, and I can still count on one hand the number of films that have actually scared me and gave that deep, unsettled feeling... this, and the first one, are in that count! Nothing about this film feels inauthentic, from the beginning you are immersed in the mystery, the cast are all fantastic and deliver their role with authenticity, it feels 100% real! My husband and I always say less is more when it comes to the climax of a film, particularly found footage, and Dutch Marich strikes that balance absolutely perfectly. You see enough to make you glad you didn't see more, as what you see is enough to terrify you and feel for what these poor characters went through. There's no over the top lengthy scenes of screaming, camera shaking and glitching (which as a found footage fanatic I hate!), it's deep, unsettling, to the bone horror, where every scene is meaningful and makes you on edge for the next instalment to find out more. We'll be buying this on Blu ray when it comes out, thank you Dutch Marich, and we cannot wait for the next one!
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