Star Trek: Picard: The Next Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
absolute garbage
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, a DOCTOR who took the hippocratic oath doesn't have much business firing a weapon that is not on the stun setting, and most definitely does not vaporise an opponent that has already been knocked to the ground. Secondly, the dialogue between picard and the romulan is utterly contrived and confusing, he's talking about memories as if they are important one moment and then the next moment he wants to discard them. He hears an alert which apparently the computer has no clue about, even though the communication surely came through relays and the computer has all sensors and that, but the computer has no clue about it, then a second later once it's found, the computer has complete access to it and all the data it's receiving. The doctor is telling him it's all on the down low and not to involve star fleet, yet she's sending it through a GODDAMN STARFLEET COMM BADGE????

I am utterly mystified how people are singing the praises of this utter trash.
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