The Mentalist: Russet Potatoes (2009)
Season 1, Episode 18
A great episode whose potential would never be realized again.
9 March 2023
The tension that occurs in this episode and all the plot twists it contains are simply magnificent, the whole theme related to the hypnotist academy is wonderful, unfortunately, the series perhaps seeing that they would be a little more "realistic" decided to discard this concept.

It would have been amazing if any disciple of Red John had participated in the academy and either because of their talent or ability, become an additional threat to Jane, we were very rarely shown their hypnosis abilities during the series and the few times they came up, they didn't feel as epic as they did in this chapter.

The truth is, despite how realistic the series tries to be, it presents so many fantastic phenomena that having become involved with the academy again wouldn't have seemed strange.

However, Great Episode.
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