Adrift (2017)
A very good movie! See for yourself: ignore the bad reviews and watch it
9 March 2023
I created an account because I had to write a review. This is a very good movie! The bad reviews derive from not fully understanding the ending in my opinion.

In order to address some issues other users raised, there are SPOILERS from here onwards.

1) Ana climbing aboard and then jumping: some users said Ana was stupid because, after she finally climbed aboard, she first went to check on her baby and only then on Daniel. This is OK! Because, as she climbed aboard, she pressed the button to automatically lower the stairs/platform (and you can even hear a mechanical noise of that thing being lowered down!) and, then, she runs to the baby. So, because the stairs/platform were automatically lowered, she assumed Daniel would enter the boat. Because he didn't, she jumps in the water to search for him. As Ana was previously climbing aboard, you could see Daniel was very weak, so the viewer can assume he died before he was able to use the stairs/platform (he died so she could save herself!). The last scene is Ana dressed on the boat holding the baby, because, after she jumped in the water for that second time to search for Daniel, the viewer can assume she was able to use the stairs/platform she had previously automatically lowered to enter the boat.

2) Atmosphere between "friends": for the users who say the environment between the group of "friends" was tedious and boring: yes, it was, and that was exactly the point. They were not real friends: this was a toxic group of "friends". Margarida didn't know any of them and she was just sleeping with Daniel; she says so herself, that she was afraid of dying there among strangers. Jaime didn't get along with the others, as you can see in the movie. The only "real" friends were the other 4 childhood friends and, even there, there's some animosity, especially as they grow tenser by being in the water for so long. This was brilliantly done by the filming crew.

3) This is not an issue to address, but a note to exemplify just how brilliant the crew was: a) "Hoje é o primeiro dia do resto da tua vida" - this is the sentence Jaime kept repeating to Ana (from a song by Sérgio Godinho) to encourage her. It means "today is the first day of the rest of your life" - that could not hold a deeper meaning, because Ana is the only one that survives (just her and the baby: the first day of the rest of her new life); b) At some point in the middle of the movie, someone tells Ana she really ought to lose her fear of the water and of swimming; well, when she jumps in the water to check on Daniel at the end of the movie, she does it without hesitation, which means... she has lost her fear - a very common psychological response (ignoring or losing one's fears when attempting to save a life); once again, brilliantly done by the crew.
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