Little more than a snuff film
8 March 2023
I was hoping this would be somewhat as good as OJ, made in America, which is a clear masterpiece. Of course that hope was well in vain or disappointed.

I'm not sure what psychoactive drugs the people who made this were on, but it was delusional to think it was a good idea to show this much death and gore. At first I was like, that's pretty interesting they're showing this because all the other documentaries on it, they show the death photos for a few seconds or not at all. But these people went to the line, crossed the line and then sailed to Antarctica past the line.

I'm not about to watch this garbage again to verify(I only made it to 49 minutes of it before I had to bail), but from what I recall, they showed death photos like 30 times in 20 minutes. Even more bizarre, they showed Nicole's dead feet 9 times in 20 minutes!! What was that about?

On top of all that it was boring. I understand that is the nature of the beast when you are going into the weeds on the evidence, but still.
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