If she likes it, she'll ignore it. If she doesn't like it, you'll never hear the end of it.
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Responding to @delraybeach-09988,

I completely agree with everything you said in your review. She's so off-putting that I can't enjoy the show. Her designer, Michael Murray, is a saint. I'd love to see him on his own show, truthfully.

Rachael makes nasty faces to the camera while she's belittling him, she insults his ideas and acts like his opinion doesn't matter, and her husband stands right next to her elbow, waiting for the right moment to calm her down, pet her, and stroke her ego.

I never liked her cooking show but I couldn't put my finger on it. She talked over everyone all the time but now I know it was her overall attitude that completely turned me off.

I recommend the designer, the location, and that's it. If you watch it, know this going in: Michael Murray told us ON CAMERA the following - "If she likes it, she'll ignore it. If she doesn't like it, you'll never hear the end of it."
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