Was it Fate? Or an Accident? Or Karma?
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For young Chloe Braddock, it was a tragic auto accident that brought her into the life of a paramedic named Matt. But for this paramedic, their meeting appeared to be the workings of fate because Chloe was wearing the same necklace as his prom date and the love of his life, who died in a similar accident as they were driving to the dance.

The deranged paramedic does much more damage than "stalking." Chloe's boyfriend Bryce is placed in a coma after Matt tampers with his vaping device. Matt also murders the drunk driver responsible for Chloe's accident. He kills his co-worker Charice when she starts to suspect the depths of his sleazy behavior. And he nearly kills Chloe's kind mother Karen, who tumbles into a ravine during a mad chase through the forest.

The actors hit all the right notes in this far-fetched yarn that at times ventured into the genre of dark comedy. One of the best scenes was when Matt was invited to Chloe's school to demonstrate CPR and he used Bryce as a guinea pig to show how defibrillators work! That moment had a payoff in the film's climactic scene.

There was a wicked denouement that revealed how Matt was still engaged in his weird fantasies about his fateful prom night. In this case however, he is cackling away and sobbing like a baby while being handcuffed to a wheel chair in a nut house. For Matt, it was neither fate nor an accident that led him to this place. It was karma.
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