Profile (I) (2018)
A Serious Problem Treated Badly
4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe some other reviewers need to educate themselves.

This was a film that should have been great and ended up being rubbish.

ISIS targets women under 20 as they can sell a romantic notion of life as a bride of a fighter. The reason they are successful is that 15-18 yo are more easily swayed than older women. They have limited knowledge of the world and how it works. How does a 30 yo old journalist (even though she claimed to be 26, I believe she was still lying) who knows how ruthless they are get hooked? The whole reason for the story was to expose them, so she knew!

When she started to tell him a 'secret' (that she was actually a journalist) I thought - based on what? You know he is a ruthless killer, he showed be-headings along with other atrocities, what was the stories motivation for having her fall for him? If it was his swarthy good looks, prowess on the soccer field or that he had a gun, how shallow and ill thought out this story line was. At no time did she express dis-satisfaction with her life, or a desire to take up a life as a bride of a fighter. Even if you can wear fishnets under the burka. So, where was the motivation? For someone who had been trying for months (I believe she said 2 years) to infiltrate or attract a recruiter she had remarkably scant knowledge of their way of life.

Real journalists must be laughing in their pint watching this.

But what made me real angry was that this is an important story, could have been so much better but instead took a dive into unbelievability. Real 14-18 yo old girls are being coerced to travel to become ISIS brides and this didn't help. A shallow stupid movie that made no sense.

It was a 4, downgraded to 2.
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