Classic Sagan and 80's classic golden age sci fi- the best type
4 March 2023
This was great sci fi- the animation style looks a bit like Titan AE- which was average- but this graphic ensemble is awesome- the music the tone and the expressed loyalty to 80 classic age sci fi- I spend all my time searching for quality films and story like this.

Yes there are some plot mcguffins perhaps- and maybe not- there could be other intended backstory as part of this concept- the art style is truly awesome and it carries the viewers- there is a slight syd mead vibe that is sorely missing from much of modern cotten candy sci fi that really is not trying to capitalize on properties-

the themes like AI, a self contained time travel device unit- far advanced technology is palpable and left out of modern sci fi also so much so its criminal-

really hope to see this show expanded and become a full cartoon series.

Also great cast for the film- some of my favorite actors.
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