Babylon (I) (2022)
Wow. Blew me away.
4 March 2023
First I would like to say the movie Babylon is one of the best I've seen in a very very long time. It's one you have to see and what's more one that explores so much more than what's on the surface. The whole plastic world of Hollywood and the losing battle we call fame. In the movie Jean smarts speech at the two hour five min mark is EXACTLY what I've been TRYING to explain forever..To get the chance to live forever with angels and ghosts.. it was BRILLIANT.. she was superb. The speech was magical and onenof the most true things I've ever heard verbalized regarding anyone who has ever stepped on a stage or picked up a pen, sung a song.. put a piece of themself out there with the hope of being liked, and the secret desire to be immortal..

Toby McGuire it seems, has learned a little about THAT, and was given a second chance in THIS very movie.. and if you're a person who has ever stepped one foot over the line of sanity and safety and found yourself surrounded with terrifying people in a sketchy situation only to live to tell the tale.. you yourself a little addicted to the adrenaline and sickness that comes with the dark, you will understand his character. Kudos to the director because he really went for it. The scenes were some of the most disturbing I've seen.. maybe ever or at least since 1934's banned FREAKS, but at the same time couldn't stop watching, because like so many of you, I too kept one foot over the line of sanity for decades. It makes you appreciate the mundane so much more when you flirt occasionally with the insane. You just can't live there, and I suggest you have a great partner to pull you back from that edge else you tumble over.

Brad Pitt finally gets it, he finally understands the game, and there is something so sad when you know he realizes that he did 82 pictures and he thought they mattered, only to find out they all meant nothing but more money for people who would never understand anything but the endless cycle of replacing the old with newer exact models, shinier faces and regurgitated stories. Then there is Margot Robbie. She is a revelation. She became the broken Frances farmer character who had the chops but never got a break because she refused to play their game. You could feel her heat and her pride and her pain with every frame she was in. God knows she had a long list of role models to choose from.. from Paulette Goddard, Ms. Farmer, to the Bombshell Jayne Mansfield who lost her head for Hollywood... A masterpiece of a movie.. and I don't give that praise lightly or often. Left me thinking about it long after it had finished.. for many reasons.
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