The Last Deal (2023)
Great Piece of Indie Cinema
2 March 2023
Sometimes indie cinema hits and sometimes it just completely misses. This is the former! It's great to see what the independent landscape can provide when done well.

This movie caught me by surprise because I didn't know what to expect. It's done very well. The only way it could struggle is because it sometimes feels like a much bigger film and you can see what the filmmakers could possibly do with a bigger budget.

Lead actor Anthony Molinari is phenomenal playing the anti-hero and person against the ropes. Supporting actor Mister Fitzgerald stuck out for me too. I hope we see more of him. He brings a strong honest quality.

Director and Producer Jonathan Salemi really achieved a lot with a little and told a very non pretentious story whereas many indies sometimes feel like they're being something they're not. I look forward to seeing what he does next with a bigger budget.

The only unfortunate thing is this movie won't get the marketing blitz behind it that a larger film would and that's unfortunate because the film really stands up on its own and competes with movies 10x its size. Well done indie Hollywood!!! Btw, great death scene in the middle of the movie. Wasn't expecting it nor my daughter, ha!
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