The Mandalorian: Chapter 17: The Apostate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Not much to spoil.
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode kicks off awesomely with a great scene however once you start to digest the plot and where it looks like this season is going it starts to wear thin. A majority of this episode is basically just a recap of where we are in the story.

A few questions I have that I'm wondering if we will get answer's for, firstly, last time we saw the armourer it was just her and the gunner, the entire core had scattered or died but all of a sudden we have an entire legion of mandalorians doing a ceremony?

Secondly, he says he needs a droid he can trust to help him visit mandalore (not sure why but ok) so he's opted for the IG11 unit that helped him in season 1 (yes, the one that detonated itself). However, as soon as they turn him on he defaults back to his original settings and instantly tries to kill Grogu. A few questions with that in of itself, I thought his entire memory and mission had been completely destroyed originally and Kuiil had to train him up to be a nurse droid from scratch? So if he's defaulted back to his original settings that was clearly a lie and Kuill put everyone in danger. Also, Mando says he needs a droid he can trust, however the droid he trust's just tried to kill Grogu, and he's still opting to go with that droid? Why? You clearly can't trust it and if you're getting a new memory chip anyway its not going to be the same droid at all, the only parts remaining now are his arm and torso after his head just got obliterated by that statue so why not just get a new droid? There's virtually nothing left of it, literally any other droid would be a better option than this one now.

Thirdly, he wants to go to Mandalore to bathe in the mines to redeem himself as a mandalorian because of their religion. Ok? Feels like the plot is going to move into the direction they did some what last season where they questions the mandalorian religion and its cult like ethos. Its not necessarily a problem for the plot but just feels somewhat tedious because I think we can all guess this will probably go the direction of Mando questioning the core and their laws and trying to change that, if not then he's basically just being a blind servant who's been brainwashed by a cult and is risking his life all because he took his helmet off infront of people.

A few other minor issues I have, like for example, if all this is because he wants to go back to being a mandalorian I'm assuming at some point he wants to be getting back onto bounty hunting? If he does then surely the new ship he's been riding around in is going to make things very difficult to do that? The razor crest had plenty of space to transport multiple bounties but the new one (while it is very cool) has just a hatch with enough space for him and Grogu, how does he plan on transporting anybody else in there?

Why hasn't any other mandalorian tried to take the darksaber now that not only they know where it is but the wielder is no longer a mandalorian? The gunner challenged him and that was before they even found out he had removed his helmet so you'd think they would be all over that given the history and importance of that blade (especially with how they've treated armour and beskar).

This one is debatable but how can the armourer decide whether or not he is mandalorian when he holds the darksaber? Surely being the ruler of mandalore gives you a lot more say in what goes with the mandalorians. Bo Katans crew have even ditched her because she dosent have the darksaber, um ok? But their mission was to retake mandalore, they follwed her before when she didn't have it and they made it very clear they've dismissed the mandalorian religion and view it as a cult yet they will ditch her because the mandalorian religion states you can't rule mandalore without the darksaber?

As with any Disney related media the cracks in the story and writing are beginning to show, this is only 1 of 8 episodes so I'm hoping we get some answers/clarification/fixes for some of these issues. The first season was pretty solid, season 2 was still good but the writing issues started showing a fair bit more, I'm hoping season 3 dosent continue the trend and snowball into all out nonsense like everything else Disney put out.
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