The Love Issue (2023 TV Movie)
Stop with the excessive stock footage
26 February 2023
This is one of the best Reel One Entertainment TV movies and it would be one of the best feel good light hearted romantic comedy TV movie, but it's ROE and there are some (serious) technical issues which prevented that. There are several scenes when audio recording was poor and it almost always applied to Alicia Josipovic voice.

What I really didn't like, and I hope some top brass at ROE would read this - just stop with the excessive overuse of stock footage, this time like so many time of NYC as it's filmed in Hamilton, Canada. I'm too lazy to recheck but every in between scene had NYC stock footage sometimes even two different and it's just terrible. How many minutes of the movie is just stock footage? I think it's the new negative record. There are few scenes with a bit of jazz music which I personally really don't like, but it didn't have any weight on final score.

If I ignore above-mentioned technical issues, this is the textbook example how do you do feel good light hearted romantic comedy TV movie. There is nothing wrong with cast, acting, writing, and directing and they vary from at least all right to pretty good, and at the end of the day it's the whole package which matters the most. Fake relationship trope is one of my favourite so I can be really harsh when reviewing, but I really can't find any even semi-serious bad thing about this movie, if, again, I just ignore technical issues which lowered score from 7* or even maybe 8* to average 6*.

And obligatory, don't watch trailer if you plan to watch the movie as like every other ROE trailer it shows everything!
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