Second half lets this down
26 February 2023
The newly released Selfiee is its Hindi remake. However, it is sheer callousness to make another version of a product that is average at its best.

The premise is intriguing and fun. So is the delivery, for most part. However, it is the end that drags it down, as there is no logical closure and there is only a haphazard attempt to join all the dots.

Prithviraj is brilliant as the actor / star. So is Suraj, as his biggest fan and then, nemesis. They elevate this average movie and make this an enjoyable fare.

This, like so many other films, suffers from the curse of the second half, where the writers have been plain lazy and have stopped bothering with the direction that their script is taking.

Viewer's loss, at the end, as a potentially intriguing idea gets drowned in a sea of mediocre execution.
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