Poorly constructed story
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is, the consultant offers "immortality" to a young CEO in exchange for his life. That makes no sense, you can't be immortal if you're dead. Apparently, a 20 year old cares more about his "legacy" then the 50 plus years ahead of him, and agrees to the deal. But it turns out, the consultant has mind control powers and has a little kid murder the CEO. This points to the consultant being the devil or some demon, with a gold skeleton that likes to turn around failing companies in exchange for a soul. If he has mind control, why even bother trying to help the company? It's very confusing why he uses power on some people and not others. For example, he "convinced" a lady to amputate several limbs and replace them with robotic ones but can't prevent the guy trying to kill him. As the story progresses the questions are answered with more questions.

Who is in control of this multi million dollar company? Investors are mentioned but no one shows up when the CEO is murdered.

Why would the guy try to kill the consultant by breaking the floor beneath him? Because it's like the game they made? Why not check if he's dead? Why take the toe and incriminate yourself?

What happened when the fire department arrived and there was bloody foot prints? Would they follow them? What about all the cameras that would have caught the attempted murder? Who fixed all the damage caused?

Back to the toe. Seriously, why take the toe? Wouldn't you notice right away the bone was gold? Why would you boil a toe inside your house? What are you gonna do with a gold toe bone?

The answer to all these questions is NOTHING.

Yes, Christopher Waltz is great actor, but the story he's in is just bad. There are a couple of good scenes when he has the remote workers to come into work.

More frustrating than entertaining.

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