Interesting, but too much Tarantino
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this bit of history of Spaghetti Westerns focusing on the '2nd best' director of these westerns, Corbucci (behind Leone). It was interesting to see the influence on Tarantino's film making, especially his 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'.

He is a serious fan of the director and genre, but it would have been nice to have had other film scholars discuss this as Tarantino is passionate, but disjointed and long winded when he discusses this topic. Also, it is pretty niche. It's mostly of this one director, during the time that he made westerns, even though he made other genre films before and after and there were other Italian directors also making westerns at this time.

I found it interesting that at the end of the movie Tarantino is trying to guess who's grave a character is visiting at the beginning of one film and he takes a deep dive. Granted, he says its just his opinion, but a few minutes earlier in the documentary, they play an interview of Corbucci telling a story about an actor concerned with the direction Corbucci has given him in a scene as it won't match his character in the previous scene they had already shot. And Corbucci is essentially laughing at this actor's devotion to detail. So, the take away is that Corbucci was not too terribly concerned with details, and Tarantino's obsession with what the detail of this visit to a grave meant was probably all just in his head.

None the less it was fun to geek out on this very specific detail in Italian/western film history with a serious fan of the topic.
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