Mahaveeryar (2022)
"mahaveeryar" was a good try, but they must have tried harder to make the point of the movie clear.
23 February 2023
"mahaveeryar" was a good try, but they must have tried harder to make the point of the movie clear.

The technical aspects, production design, cinematography, performances, everything were good. Asif ali, lal, nivin all give nice performance. The visuals were so nice. The court scenes, especially the first half was very interesting. The story felt really unique. They successfully managed to create a suspense and curiosity about nivin's character, the way it was written and presented. The songs and the background score was amazing.

With all this technical aspects done right, the movie kept me engaging till the end but failed to effectively get through what the movie was trying to tell. The story mainly deals with the two cases presented in a court, i did not understand what was the relation between these two cases. I did not understand what was the ultimate verdict of the first case. The movie feels incomplete. I felt the makers couldn't effectively make their point and ended up presenting a movie with confusing climax.
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