A sensitive and thoughtful flick with two different stories that finally come together in the island of Mallorca.
22 February 2023
There're two stories about two sisters that devolope themselves and eventually get together . One is in Africa, the other in Spain. One sister Marina (Elia Galera) is a medical professional working in Africa along with her boyfriend Mathias (Tommy Schlesser) , the other , Anna (Eva Martín), puts up with a husband Armando (Pere Arquillué) who is ruined in his business. In a small town located in the island of Mallorca, Anna and Marina, two sisters who were separated when they were teenagers , meet again to sell a bakery they've inherited from a mysterious woman they know nothing about. The two sisters have led very different lives. Marina travels the world working as a doctor for an NGO. As the sisters try to uncover the secrets hidden behind their enigmatic benefactor and her property, they are forced to confront old family arguments and make up for lost time.

A sensitive and pleasant story with human feelings blooming everywhere. The story that comes together in the film grabs you in the heart showing a great attraction and dealing with solidarity between sisters , fraternity and help those in need. The film begins with the parallel portrait of two sisters, different and distanced, who meet after years without seeing each other. Pleasant atmosphere of a coastal town , though more outsiders are missed , we focus on human problems , old disputes , and attention on their family, couple, mother , daughter and sickness concerns. The development of the story is satisfactory enough with some merit interpretations, despite slow-moving and dull at times . Interpretations are top-notch , Elia Galera as Marina , the philatrophic sister who cares ill people in Africa and Eva Martin as Anna , who has barely the island unhappily married to a man she no longer loves. Adding other nice secondaries , such as Marilú Marini, Tommy Schlesser, Claudia Faci, Pere Arquillué and Ana Gracia.

The motion picture was professionally directed by Benito Zambrano . Andalucía-born Benito Zambrano is a good filmmaker who has made a few but prestigious films such as : Habana Blues , La Voz Dormida , Intemperie and this big hit : Solas. In Pan De Limón Con Semillas De Amapola (2021) Zambrano disperses that main plot, relegating it to other melodramatic subplots of a very simple tragic nature, and when he returns to the mystery of the absence and identity of the character that drives the intrigue, whose mystery is resolved in a very unoriginal soap opera way, about family secrets.
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