The Son: The Blind Tiger (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Good episode
20 February 2023
I like this series but there's a casting mistake that was made in the first season that can't really be fixed now. Jacob Lofland.was a poor choice because he doesn't look anything like Pierce Brosnan. In fact he looks so unlike him that I can't suspend my disbelief for this being the same person.

Lofland has these huge, square teeth with a large gap between his upper front teeth. If a person's teeth look like that when he's a young man, there's just no way that they would become much different during adulthood, between young adulthood to middle age.

Brosnan is a handsome man with regular features. We're supposed to believe that he looked like a gangling gap-toothed kid until he was in his 20s. It just isn't believable that he would turn into such an entirely different looking man.

It's bad enough that we're expected to believe that a 90 year old man would look and move like a man in his early 60s. Putting forth the idea that he would change so much between young adulthood and middle age, growing a different set of teeth is just a bridge too far for me.
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