Similar to The Catch?
20 February 2023
I saw the preview for this and while it does look exciting, it reminds me of The Catch which starred Peter Krause and Mireille Enos. He was a fraud/conman and she was a detective hunting him down. And of course they fell in love. It lasted only 2 seasons.

I will watch the pilot of this tonight (Feb 29th) and maybe do a second review. I do hope it lasts longer than the Catch did. There are so many shows now on TV and it's like a fight to see what you can watch.

I do like Peter Krause who is currently starring on 9.1.1. And I like Mireille Enos who was in Hanna. I also loved her in The Killing.

Let's hope The Company We Keep is kept for a long run.
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