Should not have been an Ant Man movie...
19 February 2023
Going into this movie I wasn't initially expecting much. I thought it would simply be a fun little adventure with solid comedy and enough action to please a 2 hour watch time. And yet I was somehow drastically disappointed.

First of all I didn't completely hate this movie evident from me giving it a 5/10. So to get all of the good out of the way:

  • Kang was amazing and basically every scene he was in was just really entertaining and were increasingly intense as the film continued
  • There were a couple of good action scenes at the end of the movie
  • I was really pleased with how relevant Janet was and she actually had a really good conflict with other characters
  • Some of the comedy I was actually very good so it wasn't completely unfunny
  • The cgi was surprisingly ok with the scenery looking well detailed and colourful

And unfortunately that's about it. I would go into detail but I don't want to spoil much people can still enjoy this movie. So now that the good is out of the way let's get into everything else.

To start with anything I'll just quickly mention that the script was so uninspired and dull. It was honestly hard to tell if the script was bad or the acting cause so much of the dialogue just sounded unrealistic.

Another point is the comedy. Some of it was quite funny and made me chuckle but nowhere near the quality of the first movie and even the second. Alot of this fell flat also just because of the bad script.

I honestly disliked most of the characters which is not saying much since there are only like 7 who actually do anything. Hank felt like a massive missed opportunity especially due to the lack of screen time or focus on his character. Cassie had a decent start but they provided us with little reason to relate and become attached to her. The secondary villain (who I won't state the name since they did not show up in much advertisement) became a full on joke outside of their introduction which was actually really cool. But what's worse is Hope. I don't have a massive issue with her character but that's because she barely did anything in a movie that's literally named after her??? I think she had even less dialogue than Hank. It just felt like a massive waste since i actually liked her in the previous movies.

I'm sorry but this should not have been an Ant Man movie. The previous films were much more grounded and that was respected and made sense. But this movie just felt too massive for Ant Man to be playing a significant role in. It's great that we got to see what was going on in the quantum realm but I just wish they used other characters for a plot like this.

The action was a mixed bag cause whilst I would say that the final act had some interesting and cool fight scenes, the rest of the movie falls flat and provided few fight scenes which were actually impressive or engaging. Even in the third act many of the fights were awkwardly split up in order to fit everything else going on. It felt as if they spent more time making cool cgi scenery rather than choreographing or developing well thought out and simply "cool" fights. They just felt underwhelming.

A small nitpick but the music was so boring and cliche compared to the other entries. The main Ant Man theme is amazing and has become an iconic piece of music for that specific character yet it barely shows up in this movie and when it does it just randomly stops to play some inconsistent pieces of music.

And that's about it. It consisted of a few impressive scenes and fights aswell as impressively introducing the main big bad for the upcoming MCU movies. However, it drastically reduced its rating with an underwhelming first and second act, sub par comedy and characters who were either wasted or treated as a joke. 5/10 but honestly close to a 4/10.
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