The truth MAY be out there
18 February 2023
I'm a skeptic, I'll admit. I have always believed in the possibilities of there being "alien" life, but that this extraterrestrial life would be human, and not "little green men" or anything contrived from the last century of mankind's wild imagination.

I'm familiar with a lot of conspiracy theories about "UFOs" and "aliens," and have given the topic some thought. I've always come to the conclusion that there's always been some kind of logical, or scientific explanation. My being a Christian has nothing to do with this, I do not believe mankind has a right to limit the creative ability and supremacy that God, or our Heavenly Father, has. If He wants to introduce beings from other worlds to our own, He has every right to do so. But I sincerely doubted that He would bother to do such a thing.

But then I got to thinking. Well what about dinosaurs? They obviously existed, we cannot deny it or rule out their existence. So who's to say that we can't rule out the possibility of visitors from other universes?

So I opened up to the idea that maybe, just MAYBE we HAVE had interactions and visitations from other worlders, and that they MIGHT HAVE been documented by those who pilot our airspace. Because after all, if Bigfoot exists, why is the ONLY documentation of him a super blurry image, that could be anything? There are literally thousands of videos and photos of UFOs, no doubt most of them are either falsified, or explainable through science of which us Earthlings are already familiar. And a lot of it is told through respectable people, not just people who a lot of society would call "crazies."

This kind of thinking really helped me think about the maybes and possibilities, especially when my own boss at work is so dedicated to this conspiracy, was so adamant about the possible truth.

I wouldn't say I'm at the point of creating a mashed potatoes sculpture of the Devil's Tower, but this show, along with outside sources, have helped me AT LEAST consider the POSSIBILITY that this stuff may be true.

A lot of documentaries, and "actors" in such documentaries, are hand-picked to drive the producers' agenda, and therefore aren't trusted. And you'd think, if this stuff was all true, why would the government even be willing to allow it to be aired? There are still things to consider, there is no blatant "fact" or "fiction" here. But as a religious fellow, I understand what it's like being doubted even though the experiences you've been through are at the very least solid proof of your beliefs. These people seem very sure of themselves in their testimonies, so there's a reason there to at least give them some air time, because who knows, maybe they're all right, and something BIG is in the works.

A well done documentary, lots of questions, but it's pretty convincing.
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