So bad it's funny.
17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, the great Mariska Hargitay egotrip has just taken the last step. It's now official: Olivia Benson is Queen of the Universe.

I never liked this show, but back in the days of Casey Novak, they at least pretended to play by the rules. In recent years this show (and many others) has adopted a vigilante justice policy. If a defendant is acquitted, either on a technicality or due to a lack of actual evidence, someone will conveniently shoot him (it's always a man) on the steps of the court house. The other day Barba actually said to Benson: "you should have shot him".

In this episode Benson goes ballistic when someone kidnaps her son. People are threatened, even more rules than usual are broken, the entire NYPD are after the kidnapper. Captain tells Benson she should not be involved in this case, being the victim. But does she listen? Hell, no, because Olivia Benson knows it all, is not afraid of anyone or anything and does not listen to even the best advice.

At several points during this episode I was laughing out loud, because I really could not take the plot seriously.

Of course Benson saves the day singlehandedly, her son returns home, and mommy Benson is surrounded by all her "friends", who also happen to be the people she works with, because that's what tv tells us: the only people you know are your colleagues. Rubbish!
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