Ban This Video Nasty... Today
16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tonight I will cleanse my soul with 'Robot In The Family' after I was violated by that revolting 'Prey' movie I witnessed last night which left a permanent press of distaste in my mouth.

'Robot In The Family' is an Amazing Movies production so how can you go wrong there? (I regret including that in my review.)

Now, what the hell is that? At the start of 'Robot In The Family' some Raiders from that lost arc business steal an Egyptian helmet that has powers not of this Earth. Don't tell me that 'Prey' movie is coming back to haunt me again? It's the same skull helmet Predator was wearing in that offensive 2022 release I watched only last night! Serious?

This is a 1993 release? It looks like something from the late 70's/early 80s.

The title screen for this movie looks like a poor man's 'Weird Science' introduction.

And what is this detailed introduction after the title screen - the inside workings of a poker machine?

What I can detect so far is that it's a Christian movie with actors held to ransom - at gunpoint - to participate in this Amazing Movies release against their wishes.

Isn't that the deranged husband from 'Sleeping With The Enemy?' "Does it give you that much pleasure to humiliate me?"

You can tell in that scene then that the wife was reading off Rocky's Dummy cards.

Actor's fueled by imported drugs from Havana while handicapped by attention deficit syndrome.

What's all this shouting?

Failed z-grade actors roaming the streets of NY pretending to be zany and funny when clearly they're the only ones laughing.

Is that Sallah from Raiders?

All this movie would need right now is for Bobcat Goldthwait to appear and it'd be complete. He'd only add to all the incomprehensible lingo they're speaking at the top of their lungs.

I got a question for any drug addict out there reading this. When you guy's abuse substances, to reach the outer limits of whatever realm you're aiming for, do these same narcotics enhance movies like this? Does it make it easier to follow movies like this? Do you have to be high in order to follow this atrocious Amazing Movie?

Ain't it grand? I find myself in the same situation that I was in last night when watching 'Prey.' I'm sitting here slumped & slouched again while sinking into a pit of despair.

'Robot In The Family' is offensively not even entertaining! Not once have I laughed so far.

If I were wearing a clay face mold right now it'd still be in tact with not one shred of crumbling.

You could balance an egg on your head while watching 'Robot In The Family' and because you resemble a corpse while watching it that egg would sit safe the entire time as not once do you blink, breathe, or stir. You actually find yourself staring into the void that those said drug addicts I was talking about earlier see into.

I had more fun with 'Santa and The Ice Cream Bunny' a while back than this.

Men going undercover dressed as women - that's so 2023.

Guy's foot turns gangrene and doubles in size but the storyline's quickly discarded because it's not even funny.

And where'd the damn robot go in its own movie?

Or, why is it even in this as it's more centered around some silly statue of value.

Seriously, this guy's crossed between Tommy Wiseau and an episode of 'Benny Hill.' He even sounds like 'The Room' fella. It makes sense though! Is 'Robot In The Family' where Tommy Wiseau learned his craft?

This crap has gone full-blown 'Sesame Street' on hillbilly heroin as unqualified actors, and a stupid robot in spandex with pinball parts, do their best to be funny with immature sound effects while trashing a kitchen in a scene that is so third grade stuff.

And yes, this crap does get pleasure from humiliating the viewer apparently!

I wish I could screenshot a picture of my face right now and display how morose I am while viewing this to reflect the true story of this misery. (One's as miserable as the other. I need to get out more.)

The odds are good that those involved with this Amazing Movie were sponsored by Fentanyl itself. (I heard a rumor that all the actors on 'Highway To Hell' were all pepped up on meth when filming. And it showed with the immature acting in that. Take a look at the café scene with Jerry Stiller if you don't believe me.)

I can't report anything at all about 'Robot In The Family' because it's like a rejected Troma movie that didn't make the cut.

Why I insisted on enduring the duration of that punishment I don't know?

It didn't improve.

It told no story.

You got no laughs.

You were insulted how childish and elementary it was.

It was just a bunch of stand-up rejects who persisted in making a movie thinking they were funny when they weren't.

Last Friday I sat in a dentist chair and had two fillings without any anaesthesia and it was more fun being tortured by my dentist than watching this complete waste of time.

Utter rubbish.

It's not even fit for children even though it was most likely drawn up by kindergarteners.
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