Hillarious low budget Zombie film with no plot whatsoever.
15 February 2023
I love me some Giallo movies. This one isn't really a stand out in any capacity. To me Giallo movies typically have absurd plots, good effects and are well shot/lit. This one only gets the well shot part down properly.

The plot: For some reason people in Spirit Halloween masks (and a few in makeup) decide to murder a bunch of people staying in a mansion. Then the movie ends. Also in the middle of all this is a minor side plot of a teenager(played by a 30 year old man) trying to seduce his mother. That out of left field insanity is probably the most enjoyable part of the film. Besides that there is literally no plot and nothing gets explained.

Outside that you have minimal gore, mostly comprised of people being tackled followed by shots of zombies putting fresh meat cuts up against their masks since they can't open their mouths exception being the people with their Spirit Halloween makeup that can actually tear at it with their teeth. Maybe this was cutting edge for it's time but it came after Dawn of the Dead so I don't see how it could be. Many Fulci movies before this did it better too.

The characters are dumb often stopping for minutes in horror gawking at the mask wearing hobo clothed zombies while saying things like:"It's horrible!" or "Oh my god it's some sort of abomination." The Zombies on the other hand are smart, using all kinds of items and tricks to kill the characters.

If you are looking to laugh at horrible dialogue, poor special effects and an insane mother>son plot I think it is worth your time but this isn't quite good enough to reach the elite tier of bad Giallo movies.
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