Legend: Mr. Pratt Goes to Sheridan (1995)
Season 1, Episode 2
Young Stephen Baldwin
14 February 2023
"Legend" still isn't comfortable in his role of an alcoholic, cowardly author who must live up to the reputation of the dime-store cowboy hero he's created.

In this episode he learns that a bank robber who is accused of not only robbing a bank, but killing a company bank guard, will surrender ONLY to Legend.

With an accused killer and plenty of potentially trigger-happy security men promised to be in place for the surrender, Legend is very hesitant to be part of the entire proceeding.

THEN, "Gentleman Jim", the outlaw, approaches Legend at night, in an alley, and convinces him that not only did he NOT kill the guard, but he only got away with ten thousand dollars, not the 250 thousand claimed. He asks Legend to investigate and set the record straight.

This episode was entertaining but wasn't able to pack quite as much humor as the pilot. Part of that is going to be how long Richard Dean Anderson can play the same reluctant dialogue over and over again and keep it fresh. I'll comment on that in reviews of later episodes as we watch them.

The point of the plot also wasn't very original. I've seen a few TV shows where a bank (or someone else) claimed more was stolen than actually was.
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