My main interest in rooting around in the . . .
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
. . . behind-the-scenes version of THE PINK BLUEPRINT was finding out exactly how the little man contractor could have constructed a fancy three-story facade that would collapse to reveal a poverty row hovel the first time the front door was closed. Imagine my shock, then, to discover this backgrounder configuration included a canned "laugh track" bringing to mind the sort of mirthless unfunny banal Boo Tube fare from the 1900's that can still be found by self-punishment seekers on outlets such as TV Land. This kind of grating forced mirth is equivalent to fingernails on a blackboard to most people. Shame on the outfit disrespecting viewers in this tawdry fashion. Furthermore, the PAGE TO SCREEN edition sheds no light on the original conundrum.
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