Miserable movie
9 February 2023
I love B movies. I love C movies. I love movies that are good. This movie, however, is the cinematic equivalent of "that kid" that got called on to read in English class that everyone hates.

I actually couldn't make it through the entire movie. The pacing is awful. An hour in and the only thing the we have established is that the main character had an awful day and got a job at a strip club where three other girls just randomly murder patrons and coworkers. That's it. It took an hour to get all of that information out.

Not only does the pacing fall flat, but the acting and cinematography is all terrible. Somehow we've sunk below modern porn standards; nothing in this movie is engaging. Nothing in this movie is interesting. Noting in this movie even looks good.

Go find a movie that doesn't take itself so seriously.
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